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Exile Dairies | The Right News | True stories of Kashmiri Pandits | Episode 5

In 1990, the aboriginal Kashmiri Hindus were hounded out from their native land Kashmir by Pakistan sponsored terrorists. Since then this peace loving and minuscule community has been living in exile in their own country. They are still homeless, even after 30 years!
The Right News #TRN endeavours to be the voice of such forlorn communities. The wounds of genocide are still fresh in the minds of the entire generation of Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) who have witnessed it firsthand.
These stories and each one of them need to be told and documented for the next generation to understand the pain that their parents went through.
The Right News-TRN has started series #ExileDiaries where in each episode we will talk to a KP and listen to his /her story of loss and survival.
The 5th episode is here where Rohit Bhat speaks to Girja Bhat and comes up with nostalgic reminiscences for the KPs who have lost their home and are still yearning to return to their motherland.. Click the picture link above to watch and remember the rich cultural heritage KPs belong to, their pains, their happiness and their success stories. These stories of loss and survival need to be documented so that the truth lives on and eventually prevails. #TRN is on a mission to cover and document these stories.
Tune in to TRN website ( ) for such wonderful stories every week under #ExileDiaries column.
Anchor – Rohit Bhat
Editor-in-Chief – King C Bharati

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